What to expect

  • We are in-network with most major insurance companies and workers' compensations policies, however to verify your particular plan, we suggest contacting us.
  • We ask that you pay fees - copays, deductibles, etc. - at the time of service.
  • We accept cash and personal checks.
  • We do not provide reminder calls for scheduled appointments - the responsibility is yours.  If appointments are missed, they will be subject to our policies.

New Patient Information

Financial information

  • Each visit is entirely spent one on one in a private setting.
  • The initial appointment is largely a time to connect, gather your history, and perform our evaluation.  For this visit, we ask that you fill out our forms beforehand, as this will save time.  You can find them on the right.
  • The typical routine for follow-up visits is as follows: We will connect briefly about your status, answer any questions you may have and then proceed to evaluation and treatment. 
  • For all appointments, we ask that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows movement as well as access to palpation.  Jeans, dresses and other similar clothing are more difficult to work with, and sometimes impossible. 
  • Appointments are scheduled on the hour.
